
Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Committed to industrial bactericides, preservatives and...

Our products are being used in the antisepsis and sterilization field of water
treatment, paint, leather and wood.

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Product: Hencide DCOIT
Common Name: Kathon 930 (Kathon is a registered trade mark of Rohm & Hass)
Chemical Name: 4,5-Dichloro-2-Octyl-4-Isothiazole
CAS NO.: 64359-81-5
Molecular Weight: 282.2274
Structural formula:  

Physical Form: White crystal powder
Molecular Formula: C11H17Cl2NOS
Appearance: White Crystal Powder
Assay: <99%
Melting Point: 42.2-42.8 C
Water: ≤0.10%
APPLICATIONS: DCOIT offers highly effective, broad-spectrum protection against degradation, discoloration and defacement caused by mold, mildew and algae. It has a unique chemistry and is widely used in the world in antifouling paint and other coatings. It also can be used to formulate many DCOIT containing products.


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